Managing HPV and How AHCC Can Help 

What is HPV?

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is common among those in their late teens and early 20s of all genders and sexual orientations. HPV is transmitted through the contact of genital skin, which is why it’s crucial to get tested if you are sexually active.

While low-risk HPV produces visible lesions known as genital warts, there are no symptoms of high-risk HPV– the strains that can lead to several types of cancer. As a result, many infected by high-risk HPV may never realize they are infected unless the infection progresses to cancer.


Importance of Sexual Health

Prioritizing your sexual health is crucial when you are exploring intimacy, and educating yourself about STIs can be essential. Making informed decisions about your sexual health can prevent you from coming into contact with HPV and other STIs that can impact your health negatively long-term.

Being conscious of your sexual health also means communicating openly with your partners about your sexual history and getting tested regularly to ensure that you aren’t at risk for any STIs. Doing these steps can ensure that you are on the same page with your partners, leading to a healthy sexual lifestyle.


Preventing HPV

In addition to keeping yourself informed about HPV, there are many precautions you can take to prevent the spread of HPV:

  • Use Safe Sex Practices: as HPV can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, it’s important to use condoms. They can be a barrier in reducing the risk of HPV transmission, while it does not fully protect against getting HPV.
  • Schedule Regular Screenings: having a regularly scheduled cervical cancer screening (Pap Smear) and anal cancer screening can determine if there are any abnormal cell changes in your body.
  • Consider HPV Vaccinations: an HPV vaccination can be beneficial in protecting against the infection and the health problems associated with HPV.


Managing HPV and Potential Treatments

When it comes to treating HPV, there are no treatment options available unless it causes problems like changes in the cervix or genital warts. When that occurs, treatment plans can be made with our healthcare provider, depending on what you may have.

If you have HPV but are not at high risk for other health problems, then it can usually be cleared by your body within 2 years, but there may be ways you can speed up this process.


Where AHCC Comes In

Since HPV is a viral infection, AHCC supplementation can be used to support the immune system’s adaptive immune response which helps us fight against external invaders.

In most cases, results have shown that AHCC has cleared existing HPV infections, making the virus undetectable, when a 3-gram dose is taken daily for six months. With the continuation of AHCC supplementation, you can increase your chances of preventing HPV-associated cancers and clearing up the initial infection as you go.


Final Thoughts

Your sexual health matters. Doing your part to prevent HPV can be done by thinking of safer sex practices and making sure you get checked regularly so that you and your future partners are protected. Making informed and knowledgeable decisions that concern your sexual health can help you maintain safe sexual experiences.

While prevention and education contribute to your overall well-being, for those who have HPV, there are still ways to manage your day-to-day life and prevent your HPV from progressing. With AHCC supplements, you can boost your immune system and start to clear the virus.

Being aware of your options can unlock more potential for your livelihood.

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Please beware of some products sold online claiming to be “generic versions” of AHCC®. These are considered “adulterated” by the FDA. Click here to see all the authentic verified AHCC® products from various nutritional supplement brands.