Exploring Natural Treatment After Cancer Diagnosis

By Kathie FitzPatrick, Guest Blogger

Breast Cancer Survivor and Author of Achieving Greater Health and Beauty After Breast Cancer


Nothing can describe the shock of being told you have cancer. I received a breast cancer diagnosis in the summer of 2014.  An ultrasound and MRI revealed that I had a cancerous tumor the size of a small pear under my right breast. Besides that very large tumor, there were two smaller tumors on top as well. You might wonder how all of that was missed in an earlier mammogram.  “It was hidden underneath,” the doctor explained. “Something like that can only be detected and analyzed through an ultrasound then an MRI.”

That’s when I had my first serious, “Will I live…will I die?” moment.


My Mom was a real promoter of natural remedies.  She brought my attention to some of the top natural remedies for treating cancer based on science and patient testimonials. It led me on a passionate search through the internet. 

One of the natural remedies that turned up quite predominantly was a dietary supplement called AHCC®.  This was a proprietary blend of medicinal mushrooms in capsule form.  Clinically tested and proven to support immune system health, AHCC® has anti-inflammatory, immune system enhancing, immunomodulatory, and antioxidant properties. It has been a focus of research at prestigious institutions throughout the world and the subject of over 100 published papers, including 30 human clinical studies. It has been used to treat a variety of conditions such as colds and flu, types of cancer, hepatitis, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. I was convinced that I wanted to try it.


During my search for ‘natural cures’, I discovered the Budwig Protocol designed and created by German doctor and chemist, Dr. Johanna Budwig. Starting as early as the 1940s and through the early 2000s, she reportedly cured 90% of her cancer patients with this method, some 3,200 people. She was even nominated seven times for the Nobel Prize in science! Now that was impressive.

With the agreement of my oncologist, I launched into my natural remedies with AHCC, limited parts of the Budwig protocol, and hormone therapy.


I was able to purchase AHCC® through my local health food store through a special order from the manager, Mark. He was an acquaintance since I had been a frequent shopper over the years.

“When it comes in, I’ll keep it in the top drawer up front. Just ask me for it when you come in,” Mark said. It took a couple of weeks but my first precious bottle of AHCC® finally arrived! I picked it up and could hardly wait to start supplementation. I was anxious for those mushrooms to beef up my ‘NK-Killer cells’ and start strengthening my immune system.

I studied the fifteen points of the Budwig Protocol. I’m not a vegetarian like Dr. Budwig, but ate less meat and more raw and steamed vegetables. One component of the protocol I couldn’t stand was sauerkraut juice. It sent shivers up my spine. I did, however, learn to make sauerkraut at home and ate it as a side with some of my meals.

I loved the sunbathing part of the regimen and fit that in as much as possible, and also taking walks in the sunshine.  And, oh get this…Dr. Budwig suggested as s midmorning snack pink champagne with ground flaxseeds sprinkled in. “It goes right to brain,” she said. 

The core of the Budwig Protocol is the flaxseed oil/cottage cheese mixture (or FO/CC) made in an electric blender in the exact proportions described. Add Stevia or a little raw honey to sweeten, then add fresh or frozen fruit such as strawberries and blueberries. When finished, add more fresh fruit on top.  Yes, it looks like a berry pudding.

This innocent looking concoction has proved to be a powerful cancer tumor reducer and fighter. The Flaxseed oil made in the blender with the low-fat cottage cheese is able to create a chemical reaction with the cancer cells, oxygenating, or normalizing them.

This principle, first discovered in 1935 by Otto Warburg that he termed the “respiration of the cells,” which earned him the Nobel Prize in Science, was the beginning foundation of the Budwig Protocol.  Later, Dr. Johanna Budwig took that principle and created the Budwig Protocol which could be used by her oncology patients in a practical, natural way.

I used portions of this protocol in tandem with AHCC® and a healthy balanced diet that included vegetable ‘Bullet’ drinks, to bring about effective results.


I continued with my life as a mom to my young adult daughter, Jaina who lived with me; as a realtor with a busy real estate career; as an entrepreneur with two Shopify stores; and as a recreational gardener tending my own veggie garden. During that time, I felt well and was able to live my life without much disruption. I knew the mushroom complex in the AHCC® was buoying me up and enhancing my immune system.  I experienced no colds or sickness of any kind.

Meanwhile, I found more creative ways to make my FO/CC mixture in the blender.  Sometimes with peaches instead of berries. I even tried kiwis. After spooning the creamy mixture into a bowl, I would sometimes add walnuts on top. I also sprinkled bran flakes on it. When having oatmeal in the morning, I added ground flaxseed with Stevia or a spoonful honey. Ground flax seed, or flax lignans, helps toward hormone balance according to Dr. O.P. Verma, whom I mention in my book.  In my case, the bran flakes helped prevent constipation related to hypercalcemia (high calcium levels).

After nine months of taking AHCC® and observing the Budwig Protocol, it was time for a follow up MRI.


As I checked myself, it seemed that the lumps were gone. On the day of the MRI, I all but bounded into the machine with a big happy grin. “I have a feeling this is going to be good!” I winked. A few days later the results were in, and I went to see the doctor that would have been my surgeon. I call him Dr. Peck in my story (all doctor’s names have been changed).  He looked over the MRI films with his eyes bugging out behind his thick lens glasses. 

“Are they trying to tell me it’s not there?” He looked at me with a very puzzled look. “Meet me in the exam room,“ he said matter of factly. Dr. Peck did his own checking and remarked, “It does seem those tumors are gone.”  We had some further discussion, but I was not interested in pursuing surgery at that point. “Why should I want surgery?”  I said.  “The lumps seem to be gone.”

“Well, I hope they do keep shrinking,” he smiled. We said goodbye and I was on my way.

At this time, I decided I had to discontinue the FO/CC, a key component of the Budwig Protocol. The flaxseed oil/cottage cheese mixture was starting to cause some severe cramping and sometimes producing shooting pains in my abdomen. It was likely because of hypercalcemia, an issue I had been hospitalized for twice prior to my cancer diagnosis. Normal calcium levels run about 89.9 but mine consistently ran 10.2 and sometimes 10.4. I considered replacing the FO/CC with the protocol’s “companion nutrients” capsules with flaxoil. The capsules were supposed to have the same composition as the cottage cheese mixture and some lactose intolerant individuals chose this method. However, I chose to forego the companion nutrients. I may always wonder what would have happened if I chose differently.


Within just a couple of months, the lumps began to return.  Just a few cancer cells managed to grow and reignite the problem. My oncologist called it a reoccurrence.

At this point, I had already moved away from the Budwig Protocol and was no longer supplementing with AHCC®.  With the reoccurrence, I began supplementing with another natural substance created by scientist, Jim Sheridan, called Protocel (originally called Cancell). The testimonies were impressive. The pharmaceutical outlet selling it had nurses on staff trained to help the clients who bought Protocel. They wanted you off all other vitamins, except maybe a B-Complex, so “as to not interfere with the formula”.

Protocel differs from the FO/CC mixture in that Protocel seeks to attack the cancer cell, where as the FO/CC seeks to normalize the cancer cell. The pharmaceutical outlet’s nurses told me that both cannot be taken at the same time. They recommend one year of treatment with four doses a day, every six hours.  However, I only had about three months with Protocel. At that time, my oncologist insisted on another MRI. The results indicated that the tumor was still growing. I was out of time. My oncologist and surgeon said I needed to seriously consider traditional chemotherapy treatment.


Curious about what happened next? To read the full account of Kathie Fitzpatrick’s treatment and get her best recovery tips to heal and thrive after cancer, buy her book Achieving Greater health and Beauty After Breast Cancer.

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