Understanding HPV

Understanding HPV

Awareness of human papillomavirus (HPV) is on the rise, but so many of us don’t really understand the facts about this sexually transmitted disease. While there have been extensive public campaigns to highlight how common this sexually transmitted disease is, most people who are at-risk don’t have the information they need to protect themselves.
In a previous blog post we highlighted a recent study that suggests that AHCC could be an effective and natural treatment for HPV. This week we’ll take a closer look at HPV and provide you with the facts that you need to know. Please share this information with teenaged children, your friends, and your colleagues. The more knowledge the better when it comes to raising awareness of HPV.

What is HPV?

HPV is a virus that attacks your skin and genital areas. There are over 130 identified strains of HPV causing: genital warts, skin infections, and can lead to cancer of the cervix, cancer of the mouth, cancer of the penis, and other cancers.

How is HPV Transmitted?

HPV is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It can be spread through vaginal sex, anal sex, oral sex, genital touching or skin-on-skin contact of the genitals. This STD can be transmitted without penetration – meaning skin-on-skin contact can result in the spread of HPV.
Wearing a condom does not protect you from HPV. This virus is on parts of the body that are not protected with condom use: the vulva, scrotum and inner thighs.

Who Has HPV?

The numbers tell us that 75% of both women and men become infected with HPV. This virus is most common in men and women who are in their late teens and early 20s.

This is a very common STD.

What are the HPV Signs and Symptoms?

HPV can cause genital warts. These genital warts are typically flat and resemble small cauliflowers. These genital warts can appear on the vulva, cervix, penis, scrotum, rectum or thighs.

HPV can also cause cancer.

With these strains of HPV, there are no signs or symptoms and most people don’t even know they’re infected. The most effective way to ensure early discovery of this strain of HPV is with regular Pap tests for women.

What Increases My HPV Risk?

Anyone who engages in sexual contact is at risk for HPV. But we do know that people who have multiple partners are at a much higher risk. In general practicing safe sex (including using a condom) can reduce your chances of being infected with an STD, though HPV is unique because it can be spread with condom usage.

How is HPV Treated?

HPV treatment really depends on the strain of HPV that has been transmitted. For those people with genital warts, these can be treated with doctor-prescribed gels and creams or may require surgical procedures.

Lesions caused by cancer-causing HPV strains are monitored and will likely be removed with surgical measures.

In addition, a recent study has shown that AHCC can be an effective natural treatment for HPV.

To learn more about the clinical study and the protocols used, read Natural Treatment for HPV? AHCC Eradicates HPV Virus in Women. Remember, it’s important to help raise awareness of this all too common STD. Talk to your teenaged children about HPV. Please feel free to share this blog post with your social networks – we want to do all we can to get people talking about HPV.

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Please beware of some products sold online claiming to be “generic versions” of AHCC®. These are considered “adulterated” by the FDA. Click here to see all the authentic verified AHCC® products from various nutritional supplement brands.