Pre Clinical and In Vitro Studies

Use this page as your direct resource and access point for all pre-clinical and in vitro studies done about AHCC®. Download the complete PDF or click to read a summary of each study.

Title of Article Publication Downloads
Active hexose correlated compound enhances tumor surveillance through regulating both innate and adaptive immune responses Cancer Immunology Immunother
AHCC®‘s Beneficial Immuno Modulation Effects in the Thymus Endocrine Regulations
Anti-Tumor Effects of Genistein Combined Polysaccharide (GCP) and Active Hexose Correlated Compound (AHCC®) Biotherapy 2001; 15(3):379-382
Application of New Immunotherapy Using AHCC® for Animal Disease Presentation
Augmentation of canine cellular immune response by administration of AHCC® Presentation
Combination therapy of Active Hexose Correlated Compound AHCC® on Thymic Apoptosis Induced by Dexometasone in the Rat Endocrine Regulations 2006
Combination therapy of Active Hexose Correlated Compound AHCC® plus UFT significantly Reduces The metastasis of Rat Mamary Adenocarcinoma Anti-Cancer Drugs
Evaluation of Active Hexose Correlated Compound for the Prevention or Delay of Tumor Growth in Human Cervical Cancer Xenograft Model Cancer Prevention Research
H-2 Haplotype-Dependent Serum IL-12 in Tumor-Bearing Mice Treated with Various Mycelial Extracts Study Abstract
Topic Publication Downloads
Ameliorative Effect of AHCC for Anticancer Drug Induced Side Effects Amino up Chemical CO., LTD
Evaluation of Active Hexose Correlated Compound AHCC Hepatic Metabolism and Potential for Drug Interactions with Chemotherapy Agents Journal of Social Integral Oncology
The Influence of AHCC on Cisplatin-Evoked Chemotherapeutic and Side Effects in Tumor-Bearing Mice Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
Topic Publication Downloads
AHCC Protects the Liver Natural Medicine
Effect of AHCC on the Production of Nitric Oxide in Hepatocytes Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
Supressive Effects of AHCC on the Increased Activity of Hepatic and Renal Ornithine Decarboxylase Induced by Oxidative Stress Life Sciences


In vivo research has shown that AHCC modulates the immune response against a variety of infectious agents, including influenza virus (the common flu), avian influenza virus (“bird flu”), Klebsiella pneumoniaebacteria (which causes pneumonia), Candida albicans fungus (which causes yeast infections), Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria (which can infect any part of the body), and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureusbacteria (or MSRA, which causes an antibiotic-resistant staph infection). Most recently, AHCC was found to boost protective immune response specific to the West Nile Virus in mice.

Studies have repeatedly shown that mice treated with AHCC prior to infection with these pathogens experience:

  1. Decreased severity of infection
  2. Shortened recovery time
  3. Increased survival

In fact, one study found that mice pretreated with AHCC before infection with K. pneumoniae had completely cleared the bacteria from their systems by day 6, whereas control mice had increased levels of the bacteria and became extremely sick.

Topic Publication Downloads
AHCC® enhances resistance to Covid-19 infection MDPI – Pathogens
Active Hexose Correlated Compound Enhanced the Immune Function of Mice in the Hindlimb-Unloading Model of Spaceflight Conditions Journal of Applied Physiology
AHCC Activate Immune Function to Decrease Bacterial Load in Murine Model of Intramuscular Infection The American Journal of Surgery
AHCC can Reduce the Severity of Influenza The Journal of Nutrition, Nutritional Immunology
AHCC improves the antibody response to the influenza B vaccine Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Michigan State University
AHCC Enhances Resistance to Infection in a Mouse Model of Surgical Wound Infection Surgical Infections
AHCC Enhances Resistance to Klebsiella Pneumoniae Infection in Mice Journal of Applied Physiology
AHCC Normalizes Immune Function AHCC Research 9th Symposium
AHCC on Immobilization Stress in Rat: Beneficial Effects of AHCC Dokkyo Journal of Medical Science
AHCC Protects the Thymus Gland Endocrine Regulations
AHCC Significantly Raised the Survival Rate of Avian Flu 15th International Symposium of the AHCC Research Association
Independant Comparison of NK Activity in AHCC and MGN-3 Hokkaido University
Low-dose supplementation with active hexose correlated compoundimproves the immune response to acute influenza infection inC57BL/6 mice Department of Biology Drexel University
Nutritional Food Active Hexose Correlated Compound AHCC Enhances Resistance Against Bird Flu Japanese Journal of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine
Oral Administration of Active Hexose Correlated Compound Enhances Host Resistance to WestNile Encephalitis in Mice Journal of Nutrition Science and Vitaminology
Role of AHCC in Helping to Build up Immunity Japanese Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Supplementation with active hexose correlated compound increases survival following infectious challenge in mice Emerging Science
Supplementation with Active Hexose Correlated Compound Increases the Innate Immune response of young mice to Primary Influenza Infection Journal of Nutrition

AHCC appears to have several benefits for diabetics. A small human clinical trial conducted in Japan found that all 13 diabetic patients enrolled in the study experienced a significant drop in blood glucose and glycohemoglobin levels after taking AHCC for six months. (Kenner, p. 21)

AHCC’s blood-sugar lowering effect was also observed in animal research. Diabetes was induced in rats through injection with the chemical streptozotocin (STZ). Among untreated (control) animals, blood glucose levels increased, insulin levels decreased, and insulin-secreting cells were damaged. Among AHCC-treated rats, however, blood glucose levels decreased, insulin levels increased, and there was little damage to insulin-secreting cells.


Topic Publication Downloads
Protective Effects of AHCC® on the onset of diabetes induced by Streptozotocin in the Rat Dokkyo University School of Medicine


While many people associate inflammation with arthritis, few realize it is one of the underlying contributors to a number of different diseases, from asthma to heart disease to Alzheimer’s. In acute situations, such as sickness or injury, inflammation is helpful because it helps the body eliminate pathogens. When inflammation becomes chronic, however, it can destroy healthy tissue. Research shows that AHCC has a profound anti-inflammatory effect.

One study found that AHCC administration attenuated inflammation in rats with colitis (inflammation of the colon) at a level equal to that of the anti-inflammatory drug sulfasalazine. Another study observed that AHCC protected rats from the damaging effects of peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum, the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity). (Kenner, p. 23)


Topic Publication Downloads
Suppressive Efect of AHCC® on acute inflamation Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Teiko University

It is widely recognized that stress plays a major role in the etiology of many diseases. When people and animals are under stress, several things happen: The production of stress hormones such as adrenalin and corticosteroids increases, uric acid production increases, and blood sugar rise.

A study in rats that had been stressed through immobilization found that AHCC mediated the stress response, keeping levels of stress hormones, uric acid, and blood sugar normal.

Other in vivo studies have shown that as a potent antioxidant, AHCC may also protect against disorders caused by oxidative stress (cellular stress caused by free radicals).


Topic Publication Downloads
AHCC® on Immobilization Stress in the Rat Department of Biochemistry, Dokkyo University School of Medicine
Title of Article Publication Downloads
Active hexose correlated compound enhances tumor surveillance through regulating both innate and adaptive immune responses Cancer Immunology Immunother
AHCC’s Beneficial Immuno Modulation Effects in the Thymus Endocrine Regulations
Anti-Tumor Effects of Genistein Combined Polysaccharide (GCP) and Active Hexose Correlated Compound (AHCC) Biotherapy 2001; 15(3):379-382
Application of New Immunotherapy Using AHCC for Animal Disease Presentation
Augmentation of canine cellular immune response by administration of AHCC Presentation
Combination therapy of Active Hexose Correlated Compound AHCC on Thymic Apoptosis Induced by Dexometasone in the Rat Endocrine Regulations 2006
Combination therapy of Active Hexose Correlated Compound AHCC plus UFT significantly Reduces The metastasis of Rat Mamary Adenocarcinoma Anti-Cancer Drugs
Evaluation of Active Hexose Correlated Compound for the Prevention or Delay of Tumor Growth in Human Cervical Cancer Xenograft Model Cancer Prevention Research
H-2 Haplotype-Dependent Serum IL-12 in Tumor-Bearing Mice Treated with Various Mycelial Extracts Study Abstract
Ameliorative Effect of AHCC for Anticancer Drug Induced Side Effects Amino up Chemical CO., LTD
Evaluation of Active Hexose Correlated Compound AHCC Hepatic Metabolism and Potential for Drug Interactions with Chemotherapy Agents Journal of Social Integral Oncology
The Influence of AHCC on Cisplatin-Evoked Chemotherapeutic and Side Effects in Tumor-Bearing Mice Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
AHCC Protects the Liver Natural Medicine
Effect of AHCC on the Production of Nitric Oxide in Hepatocytes Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
Supressive Effects of AHCC on the Increased Activity of Hepatic and Renal Ornithine Decarboxylase Induced by Oxidative Stress Life Sciences
Active Hexose Correlated Compound Enhanced the Immune Function of Mice in the Hindlimb-Unloading Model of Spaceflight Conditions Journal of Applied Physiology
AHCC Activate Immune Function to Decrease Bacterial Load in Murine Model of Intramuscular Infection The American Journal of Surgery
AHCC can Reduce the Severity of Influenza The Journal of Nutrition, Nutritional Immunology
AHCC Enhances Resistance to Infection in a Mouse Model of Surgical Wound Infection Surgical Infections
AHCC Enhances Resistance to Klebsiella Pneumoniae Infection in Mice Journal of Applied Physiology
AHCC Normalizes Immune Function AHCC Research 9th Symposium
AHCC on Immobilization Stress in Rat: Beneficial Effects of AHCC Dokkyo Journal of Medical Science
AHCC Protects the Thymus Gland Endocrine Regulations
AHCC Significantly Raised the Survival Rate of Avian Flu 15th International Symposium of the AHCC Research Association
Independant Comparison of NK Activity in AHCC and MGN-3 Hokkaido University
Low-dose supplementation with active hexose correlated compoundimproves the immune response to acute influenza infection inC57BL/6 mice Department of Biology Drexel University
Nutritional Food Active Hexose Correlated Compound AHCC Enhances Resistance Against Bird Flu Japanese Journal of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine
Oral Administration of Active Hexose Correlated Compound Enhances Host Resistance to WestNile Encephalitis in Mice Journal of Nutrition Science and Vitaminology
Role of AHCC in Helping to Build up Immunity Japanese Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Supplementation with active hexose correlated compound increases survival following infectious challenge in mice Emerging Science
Supplementation with Active Hexose Correlated Compound Increases the Innate Immune response of young mice to Primary Influenza Infection Journal of Nutrition
AHCC Acts as a Prebiotic and is Antinflammatory in Rats with Hapten Colitis The Journal of Nutrition
AHCC is Anti-Inflammatory AHCC Research Association 7th Symposium
AHCC may Prevent and Treat Diabetes Biomedical Research
Amelioration by Active Hexose Correlated Compound of Endocrine Disturbances Induced by Oxidative Stress In a Rat Endocrine Regulations
Preventive Effects of AHCC on Oxidative Stress Induced by Ferric Nitrilotriacetate in the Rat Dokkyo Journal of Medical Science
Protective Effects of Active Hexose Correlated Compound AHCC on the Onset of Diabetes Induced by Streptozotocin in Rats Biomedicl Research
Recent Progress of Research on AHCC Amino up Chemical CO., LTD
The Development and Application of AHCC – A Review Bioindustry
Use of Animal Models for Space Flight Physiology Studies, with Special Focus on the Immune System Dept of Biological Sciences, Binghamton University

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